Officials to Improve Russian Ports Development Strategy
Government Marine Board recommends to approve the project of the Sea Port Infrastructure of Russia Development Strategy till 2030, developed by the FSUE “Rosmorport”, and to ratify it in accordance with established procedure.
This decission was taken at the Government Marine Board meeting headed by the Deputy Prime-Minister D.Rogozin on September, 28 in Vladivostok.
According to the Strategy, cargo transhipment gross value in sea ports of Russina in 2012-2030 will be increased twice and will exceed 1 bln tons. This conclusion was made by the Strategy developers on the basys of main economical tendencies analysis and largest cargos shippers’ plans.
Respective increase of port facilities (to 1.4 bln tons) will be accompanied with the formation of fundamentally new scheme of investment projects selection and bringing port activity participants’ services to higher standards.
«Sea port infrastructure development task may be solved only in active cooperation between the State and all the market», — noticed members of the Board.
Press Release, September 28, 2012