USA: Wares Creek Dredging Completed

Wares Creek Dredging Completed

According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers official, the dredging project at Wares Creek is now complete.

Amanda Ellison, the Corps spokeswoman in the Jacksonville District, stated: “Plans to begin demobilizing the equipment will begin immediately, but the large geobags adjacent to the creek that contain sediment from the creek will remain on site along Manatee Avenue for about three or four more weeks as the material dries out.“

Ellison said workers completed the dredging portion of the $51.8 million Cedar Hammock-Wares Creek flood control project on Tuesday, reports

Dredging started at the beginning of 2012 and was completed in two segments,“ Ellison said.

According to, the first dredged section was from the Manatee Avenue West bridge to the Seventh Avenue West bridge, and the final dredging area continued from the Seventh Avenue West bridge to the Ninth Avenue West bridge.


Dredging Today Staff, August 9, 2012; Image: Manatee County Government