The Netherlands: Deltares Tests Cape Verdean Breakwater

Business & Finance

Deltares Tests Cape Verdean Breakwater

Because of doubts about the original design of the new harbour built in Sal Rei on the Cape Verdean island Boa Vista, the Cape Verdean client asked Royal Haskoning and Deltares to produce, test and optimise a new design.

The harbour is vital for the ongoing development of tourism on the island. Storms resulted in severe damage during the construction of the harbour. Deltares is now engaged in two-dimensional and three-dimensional model testing in the Delta Basin.

“We are looking at how the breakwater performs in terms of overtopping, the stability of the armour layer and the wave forces on the crest. Pending the results of the testing, the construction of the breakwater in Sal Rei has been temporarily suspended,” said Deltares.


Dredging Today Staff, May 28, 2012; Image: deltares