UK: Coastline Surveys Completes Two Vibrocore Campaigns for Hanson
Coastline Surveys Ltd has recently completed two large Geotechnical Vibrocore campaigns for Hanson Aggregates Marine Ltd (HAML).
The first work scope comprised 58 core locations offshore Norfolk. Specialist Geotechnical Survey Vessel, MV Flatholm, was mobilised and work scope completed with Coastline’s ‘High Powered Vibrocore, ‘C-Core-HP’, in 5m configuration, average recovery overall was 4 metres.
The second work scope comprised of 70 core locations, spread over four licence areas, offshore of Lincolnshire and North Norfolk, the furthest area being 27 miles off the North Norfolk coast. Overall, the work was completed port to port, Lowestoft, in less than 4 days with an impressive average recovery of 4m completed by the experienced team onboard.
This further demonstrates Coastlines unrivalled productivity rate and commitment to deliver an excellent product. The favourable weather allowed the vessel to remain on site overnight throughout the work scope, without requirement to return to port each evening.
Uniquely for a vessel of her size, this important ability reduces the likelihood of encountering poor weather (and therefore standby costs), maximises on-site time for the Client and reduces unnecessary steaming and fuel consumption – an increasingly important issue with new larger, higher powered (therefore high fuel consumption) vessels entering the market.
Dredging Today Staff, April 17, 2012; Image: Coastline Surveys