ABPmer Offers Introductory Course on Coastal and Marine GIS (UK)

 ABPmer Offers Introductory Course on Coastal and Marine GIS

ABPmer’s specialist GIS consultants have teamed up with GeoData’s experienced GIS trainers to create a short course that uses real world projects to demonstrate how marine and coastal datasets can be used to support decision making.

Delivering sustainable development in the marine environment requires a balance to be achieved between resource use and protection of  seas. With the advent of marine planning, spatial data and GIS are becoming more and more important.

Using ArcGIS10 the course is based on the provision of practical illustrations of GIS concepts and techniques through the use of marine datasets. As well as introducing you to marine data and GIS, the course will consider common problems faced when mapping coastal and offshore environments. It also provides an opportunity to discuss with experts specific issues.

Claire Brown, Head of Data Management at ABPmer said: “Marine planning and ICZM are now important components in the management of the offshore and coastal environment. This 3 day course has been developed to provide the background and skills necessary to utilise the power of GIS in the decision-making process.”

The course has been awarded 9 points towards the AGI Continuing Professional (CPD) Development scheme.

The course is scheduled to take place in Southampton on 21-23 May and 21-23 August this year.


Dredging Today Staff, April 17, 2012; Image: abpmer