UK: ABPmer to Provide Specialist Advice for Colwyn Bay Waterfront Project

ABPmer to Provide Specialist Advice for Colwyn Bay Waterfront Project

ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer), a recognised provider of physical processes advice to the coastal sector, has been awarded a coastal modelling study to support the Colwyn Bay Waterfront Project.

This project will see major redevelopment of the town’s seafront into a well protected and attractive area for all users and visitors, so there is more for people to see and do.

The wider aims of the Waterfront Project are to improve the standard of coastal defence and the amenity value of the beaches at Colwyn Bay. Specifically, the objectives of the present study are to assess the feasibility of nourishing the beach at the western end of the frontage and to determine a suitable approach for maintaining beach levels over time, using a variety of coastal defence structures or other beach management options.

Bill Cooper, Managing Director at ABPmer said: “ABPmer is delighted to be providing support to Conwy County Borough Council. We have considerable experience supporting flood and coastal risk management in and around Liverpool Bay including the Ocean Plaza development and Rhyl coastal defence scheme.”

The outputs from the study will inform the engineering design for Phase 2 of the Waterfront Project.

Councillor Mike Priestley, Cabinet Member for the Environment at Conwy County Borough Council, said: “This coastal modelling study is vital for us to understand how best to protect this section of the Colwyn Bay shoreline. I welcome ABPmer to the Waterfront team and very much look forward to seeing the results produced.”

The study is expected to be completed in May 2012.


Dredging Today Staff, February 9, 2012; Image: abpmer