Sierra Leone: SGC Announces Pampana River Concession Acquisitions

Business & Finance

SGC Announces Pampana River Concession Acquisitions

Sierra Gold Corporation has announced it has reached an agreement with local land owners, village chief, elders and the Paramount Chief to acquire a further 4 concessions on the Pampana River. Surface rents have been paid and concession demarcation and licensing is underway.

The concessions selected are far to the north/east on the Pampana River toward the Sula Mountains, which are considered to be the major host body for gold in the Pampana River. Historical records as stated by village elders indicate that while exploration has occurred in the past in this area, river dredging has never taken place. The company is excited about its prospects in the upcoming mining season.

Further, Sierra Gold Corporation announces that shoreline dredging commenced yesterday on one of the previously announced Pampana concessions.


Dredging Today Staff, November 30, 2011; Image: sierragoldcorp