The Netherlands: Training Course Environmental Aspects of Dredging, 10-11 March 2011, Delft

To be presented in the Delft for the forth time, this international training course is organised by the Postgraduate Academic Programme (PAO) of the Delft University of Technology in co-operation with CEDA and IADC.

The Course is aimed at consultants in dredging related industries, and professionals from different governmental bodies such as municipalities, district water boards, ports and harbour authorities and central government.

During this comprehensive two-day course, dredging experts and professionals present invaluable information on the interface of dredging and the environment. In addition, participants are challenged through case studies to apply this knowledge in order to get a full understanding of the scope and significance of the environmental aspects of dredging projects, the management of dredged material, and effects of environmental guidelines.


Source: dredging, December 21, 2010