India: CoPT Plans to Develop C&L Centre Near Vallarpadam

Project & Tenders

The Cochin Port Trust (CoPT) has issued a tender inviting bids for leasing of 22.94 hectares of land on an annual lease basis for setting up a cargo and logistics centre close to the international container transhipment terminal (ICTT) at Vallarpadam. The lease period is for 30 years.

The land proposed is close to the new National Highway 47C, Vallarpadam railway station and the ro-ro terminal.

The land can be utilised for container freight station (CFS) activities like stuffing and destuffing, Customs procedures and clearances, storage, cargo consolidation and segregation, value-addition and other allied activities pertaining to container handling, according to a CoPT release.

The bids will have to be submitted before 2.30 pm on November 11. They will be opened at 4 pm the same day.


October 16, 2010