Sierra Gold Corporation Announces Forecast Dredging Plans for Upcoming 2010 – 2011 Mining Season

Business & Finance

Sierra Gold Corp.  is pleased to announce that it is now ready to commence dredging activities with all 4 dredges as soon as river levels permit. All equipment has been pre-located at initial selected sites and all licensing/permitting has been completed. Site prospecting is underway and will continue and be expanded as water levels recede to a point where all full scale dredging activity can commence.

Sierra Gold is currently in the process of updating and adding current pictures to its website. This should be completed by the end of the weekend.

Doug Evans, CEO of Sierra Gold Corp. commented, “Having just returned from Sierra Leone, I am extremely optimistic about the upcoming season. Two of the company’s dredges are currently prospecting the overburden sand at selected sites, and the gold and diamond showings are highly encouraging considering debilitating river conditions. When full operations commence (all 4 dredges), it is expected that the equipment will process 125 tons per hour on a conservative basis for the 180-200 days season, giving Sierra Gold a strong financial year.”


Source: Sierra Gold Corporation, September 10, 2010