Acta Marine Obtains ISO-9001 and SCC** Certifications (The Netherlands)

Business & Finance

International workboat operator Acta Marine has successfully obtained certifications of its activities in accordance with the ISO-9001 quality standard and the SCC** safety standard. Acta Marine is the new trade name of the former sister companies Waterweg and Van Stee that recently merged into one company.

The obtained double certification confirms that the integration process was carried out successfully with a clear, integrated management system in place. It also endorses Acta Marine’s position as a professional maritime service provider that maintains high standards for safety and quality, with a strong focus on customer satisfaction.

The certification was performed by the reputable organizations Germanische Lloyd for the ISO-9001 standard and TÜV for the SCC** standard.

Acta Marine is an independent maritime service provider that owns and operates more than 40 workboats, with a focus on coastal and ultra-shallow waters. The vessels are being deployed all around the world, mainly on projects in the industries Offshore Energy and Dredging & Marine infrastructure. The company, based in Den Helder, the Netherlands, maintains a policy of long term continuity. The strategy of Acta Marine is focused on further growth and professionalization.
