Sand Berm Project Continues to Progress in Volume and Length (USA)

A delegation of Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority representatives and coastal scientists visited the sand berm project in the northern Chandeleur Islands area today.

Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Chairman (CPRA) Garret Graves said, “We conducted a construction and effectiveness assessment of the sand berm project. The berms are working!”

The delegation found that the sand berm continues to progress in volume and length.

Over 60,000 cubic yards of dredge material was placed on the E-4 berm just yesterday.

In addition, nine hopper dredge loads totaling approximately 30,000 cubic yards of sand were deposited into the sand re-handling area for the middle portion of the E-4 berm.

On the west side of the river, three hopper dredges are depositing material into the sand re-handling area for Pelican and Scofield Islands.

In addition, a cutter head dredge is removing material in Pass a Loutre – helping to restore the river flow to this important area that has experienced heavy oiling.

To date, the cleanup crews have removed over 500 pounds of oil and oiled debris from the E-4 berm.


Source: thegovmonitor, July 15, 2010;