Construction of Sand Berms Becomes Fatal for Turtles ? (USA)

As our readers know, we have had significant concerns regarding Louisiana’s oil protection sand berms which have been constructed under the auspices of protecting the coast from oil.

In drafting comments responding to Louisiana’s request to continue with and expand the project, we discovered thatin a single two week period , the current sand berm project killed at least five threatened Loggerhead Turtles – and the full toll on turtles is likely higher. In fact, one Army Corps’ report indicated large amounts of turtle activity in the area, stating “Many turtles and turtle heads seen in the area in and around the trawling/dredging site.”

As our readers know, we have had significant concerns regarding Louisiana’s oil protection sand berms which have been constructed under the auspices of protecting the coast from oil(see posts from May 14, July 12, and July 14). In drafting comments responding to Louisiana’s request to continue with and expand the project, we discovered thatin a single two week period , the current sand berm project killed at least five threatened Loggerhead Turtles – and the full toll on turtles is likely higher. In fact, one Army Corps’ report indicated large amounts of turtle activity in the area, stating “Many turtles and turtle heads seen in the area in and around the trawling/dredging site.”GRN submitted comments to the Corps reflecting the above sentiments yesterday.

By Matt Rota (healthygulf)


Source: healthygulf, August 21, 2010;